Sunday, September 30, 2007

Four Months.......of non-stop photos

....sorry these aren't in full size....I'm having some uploading issues.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Talk about photogenic

Such a cute family. Tara, you make being pregnant look so pretty.....maybe I'll have to try it again in the next 10 years. McKenzie is so cute with "baby" and will be such a sweet big sister. Can't wait till the little guy comes so I can take advantage of his photogenic genes. Thanks guys!

Friday, September 21, 2007


Saturday, September 15, 2007


One of my bestest friends (and roomate from freshman year), Coutney is getting 5 days!!! This makes me feel super old and out of it since my 5 day countdown was over 5 years ago!!

She asked me to take some bridal pics of her and we had SO MUCH FUN!! I started out so nervous....I've never really taken a picture of an adult before. I've never actually taken a picture of someone standing still--I wasn't quite sure what to do...but I could have stayed and played with her for hours--she was great!!

Thanks a MILLION Court!!!!'re getting MARRIED!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I love my kids. Sometimes I wish I had 10 so I had more bodies to take pictures of. But since we all know I could never handle even 3 kids....any of YOU who have children and are in the area, let me know--I'd love to practice on them. Make sure they know how to vogue.

Miss Lu

The Hole

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Monday, September 10, 2007

Daddy's Girl

End of Summer

boys will be boys

The big boys spent their days in the water. The little boys spent their days playing, laughing, and getting into seen here throwing stuff off the deck at ME.

The little girl with the big voice

Olive. A cousin of a cousin. To me she's family. I could take her picture all day long--Shawna--send her my way anytime....(unless it's 9:00 at night and she wants to go on Finding Nemo....then you're on your own.)