Monday, June 30, 2008

•change of pace•

I love the city. The noises, the smells, the weirdos, the crowds. But it's really nice to have somewhere to go and get away from it every now and then. Lucky for me, I grew up in the middle of nowhere!

I took so many photos this past week, but here is just a sample--this is where I come from! Some of them (like the one below) are right out the back window of my parents house, and others are down roads I've drove 100s of times and never really appreciated how photogenic an overgrown field can be.



Jess said...

I've missed a few posts and love them and that scenery very cool!!!

ali said...

i just love your shots into the sunlight. i need to learn that skill better. very serene.

Carin Davis said...

I have never wanted to be in Montana so bad in my life!!! The images are exquisite- amazing that they are really in your parents backyard! What beautiful country!!!!

Brooke said...

I totally love these! I wish i could get away for a hour just to shoot like this....going with kids doesnt work you cant focus :) enjoy your vaca! and yes Im been busy...too busy. IM going crazy

Amie Steele said...

These are just stunning!! Beautiful landscapes!

Tiffani said...

It is breathtaking!

Tiffani said...

It is breathtaking!

kelly said...

These are absolutely beautiful! I can't believe places like that exist. Life seems too busy and hectic to actually have places like that.

I love the two with the old barn. Your use of light is amazing. such talent!

Raquel said...

WOW gorgeous!

Bethany Jackman said...

sheena, wow, these are beautiful!! that light, and that SKY! what an amazing backyard. :) such sweet shots.

p.s. did you know that your pictures aren't published in google reader? maybe it's intentional, in which case i wouldn't blame you at all! but reader is showing that you have quite a few subscribers.... ;)

Jeana Bird said...

Montana looks beautiful, these shots are awesome. Looks like you had a fun vacation.

Courtney said...

oh, I miss Montana! You really captured its beauty. I can't wait to see you next week!!!

Stephanie McBride said...

beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! all of them!
love your work girl.

Anonymous said...

These absolutely rock!!!!!!!! I love all the amazing! You really are making me feel like I need to be on vacay right now! Thanks so much for sharing these.

Tara said...

Such talent, Sheena. These pictures are like icons of the West - big sky, lazy streams, grassy fields, and of course abandoned old shacks. I really like that one with the barn/shack though because just around the bend, there's like another world all lit up with trees. I love how you play with the light and your creative camera angles. I think you should put some of these up in your house! (Just don't let miss grubby hands get to them. jk)=)

sheena said...

bethany! yes....I know that they don't show up in Reader...I had them that way and NO one was coming to my blog....I'm tricky like that:)

Mom of Mix Kids said...

As I scrolled down and saw the beautiful scenes, I thought, that looks like it could be Montana. Where did you grow up? I too, am a Montana girl, moving from there when I was 14. I still LOVE to go back and visit.

Mom of Mix Kids said...

Wow what a small world. I was born in Dillon and although we moved away when I was little, we moved back and I went to Jr. High there. I also lived in Cut Bank for six years, K-4th grade. My grandparents still live in Shelby, and we still visit Dillon too. So fun.

So I don't even know how I came upon your blog, but I was just checking my "favorites" last night and it was on there. I must have added it a while ago when I did more blog hopping. I love your pictures, so they must have left an impression on me back then too. Really, I only have a few things in my favorites list. LOVE your work. Thanks for commenting back. Good to chat with ya.

Mom of Mix Kids said...

That is so cool! My parents are in Shelby right now visiting my grandparents. Yes, it is fun to meet you. I'll been stopping by quite a bit, I'm sure.