Sunday, August 10, 2008


I'm not a big fan of secrets. I am capable of keeping them.....but it drives me crazy. I feel like I've been keeping this big secret from you all--I took these in JUNE! But she didn't want her fiance' (now husband as of yesterday:) to see them too here they pretty is she?!


Olive-us said...

They're GORGEOUS!!!
Good job, sister.

Anonymous said...

Sheena... so mystical looking! gramma

ali said...

love love love. my favorite is the one in front of the white building.

Nicolette said...

These are amazing! Beautiful. Unique. Gorgeous.

Tara said...

W-O-W. Just when I thought I couldn't be any more impressed with your talent, man! They are so pretty. Please please let me put my wedding dress back on (hopefully it zips) and make me look like that?? haha

Jean Smith said...

the secret was worth waiting! yes, she is beautiful and i just love your images and style!!!

halley said...

these are AWESOME!!!!! My friend Kallie told me about your blog and I am blown away. you have no idea. I am a photographer myself and always look to others for inspiration- thanks so much!!

Brooke said...

they are just so cool! way to rock it

caitlin said...

I am friends with Jeremy, so I went to this wedding and I have to say that I am impressed. Awesome photo's! I love the one of her face close up. It helps to have a gorgeous model huh?!

Abigail said...

Sheena, you are incredible! One day you are taking my day! :) ANyways, your so talented. WOW! Thanks for coming to my classes.

Abigail Q said...


Stueller said...

You know I love these ones... but once again SO BEAUTIFUL!

KK said...

congratulations on winning the Pics and Kicks contest. I love your work.

rosie said...

Sheena.. wow!! these are amazing, absolutely stunning bride! I LOVE # 2, awesome clarity on her eyes!! Rosie