Sunday, January 18, 2009

spring weddings....

I only have a few spots left for spring weddings.....if you're interested let me know!


Kellie said...

Can we rewind time so you can be my photographer?? :) You are SO great!!

Harris Family said...

why didn't I know you when I got married?? You have mad talent! I want you to reserve a spot for my family in the spring- on a nice warm saturday??:)

Brandon Bridge said...

Too bad we can't get "remarried" this spring so you can take our pictures!

Brandon Bridge said...

haha Ok, so I just barely read the top two comments...I could have just said dito

melissa ellen parker said...

Sheena - those pics are UHHHH MAZING! I love the setting - please rewind time and be my photographer too... And then photoshop your pretty face into all my pics too.

It'll just have to do.

You really do RAWK!

Zane and Lexi said...

hi sheena! I've had fun checking out your stuff :)
my husband zane DOES know your husband! small world I did you find us?

I've just started to get more into my photog hobby. I would love to chat next time we're in Utah! Your stuff is AWESOME!!