Monday, March 30, 2009

business meeting

If you remember a while back, I mentioned a little business is in the works. The combination of photography, and cinematography on your wedding fun is that!

Here was our first official "business meeting". As you can see, we like to play! I actually spent most the time this day on the opposite end of the camera (which almost killed me:), with John snapping away, and Ryan is the talented video wiz--take a look--it will knock your socks off!!

We pulled this together with a few minutes of prop gathering, and really no other preparation at imagine what we could do for your wedding!!

(let it load a bit before you play:)

Salt Flats, Utah from iris and light on Vimeo.


Hannah said...

That is awesome, Sheena!! I wish I was getting married again so I could hire you.

Carin said...


cara lou said...

I already wanted to get re-married so that you could be my photographer. Now I REALLY want to get re-married again so that I can have an awesome video, too!!

I can't wait to see what you guys do with weddings!

Rebekah said...

this is *AWESOME*!! great job! your clients will be thrilled with your new biz offering! :)

Jean Smith said...

WOW. this is so freaking cool! did you do it with the new 5d? i can't believe how awesome this is...

Unknown said...

OMG that was the best video ever..that is what I call a video..

You and your hubby are so the shoes and you look amazing.

Great video loved it!!!

sheena said...

thanks everyone!! Jean--yes, it's the Mark II!

AngelaBeth said...

I'm in loovvvvvve. That video is PERFECT.

Heather said...

That was AWESOME!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!

KELLY said...

Amazing - you're right... sock off : )

Amy said...

L.O.V.E it! Seriously.

Courtney said...

ROCK ON!!! That is SO amazing!! Talk about synergy!

rubi said...

i love this! i've wanted to go take photos at the salt flats for so long! i keep hinting at my husband to take me there because i want us to put our wedding clothes back on and take pictures there. unfortunately we're in nyc now so making a trip out there isn't easy. :/ i'll live vicariously through these photos though.