Thursday, April 9, 2009

Carson and Sean are married!!

It was a perfect day... the entire week before, and the day after....rain and snow!! But just for Carson and Sean.....sunshine. I loved every second with these two--and I was lucky enough to have my hubby come with me this day, and we had so much fun with these guys!

I love this one.Sean likes to jump.The reception was so much fun.....Scoopology was there to cater!! I may or may not have tried 5 different kinds of ice cream. And also, if you read my other blog, you already know, but I also may or may not have fallen through a chair and got stuck....but other than that, the night was perfect!
and they lived happily ever after...


Jessica F said...

Gorgeous!!! Love them all! How fab is that wedding cake?? I had the same flower colors at my wedding :)

cara lou said...

Um...I WANT their wedding. Love the polka dots. Too cute. What a fun couple! And the bubble blowing is adorable.

Love it!

And I want to eat that ice cream.

Brinn said...

Beautiful as always Sheena. What a fun wedding! Your talent rocks.

Tana said...

You are amazing. Love the cake and the fun colors. Way to go- wish I could have seen you fall!!

Stephanie McBride said...

absolutely one of my favorite wedding shoots to date. you rock!

Unknown said...

wow..that's the coolest reception ever...ICE CREAM ummm yeah...way yummy and way cool ..beautiful pictures

Kiera said...


I love what you do with light! Truly beautiful! Im so glad you left a comment on my blog so that I could follow you back here. Your images are gorgeous. I'll be back!


Natalie said...

That cake rocks my socks! Nice work photog lady!

Marie said...

Wow! You are utterly amazing. I can't believe how beautiful all your pictures are. I LOVE THEM!