Thursday, October 22, 2009

because people are literally emailing me asking when I will be posting the wedding...

so I'll give you one.....and then you'll just have to wait:)


Jamie Sampson Photography said...

this is lovely!!!! the light is spectacular, I am going to start emailing you about the wedding too! :)

Kayleen Taulanga said...

Show us more! ha ha...soo beautiful! love the flair!

Brandon Bridge said...

So so pretty, I can't wait to see more!!

tanalicious said...

you are so amazing. really. its just not fair.

Unknown said...

mean mean mean...but a lovely photo

cara lou said...

So so pretty.

Her dress makes me mad.

thegreatestshowonearth said...

Billy & Jana look great! Can't wait to see the rest! You were so fun to have around Sheena. We love your work.