Wednesday, March 31, 2010

rachael and matt's rainy day wedding!

I've had rainy weddings before. I've had snowy weddings. This day, we had BOTH! AND slush....and a whole lot of it!! But these two were the best sports, and were up for anything-- even if it meant getting soaked.....which we all did:) Thanks to Hayley, for stomping around in the muck with me, and a million thanks to Rachael and Matt for letting me be a part of your special day!!
Check out the SNOW by the time of the reception!

the end.

18 comments: said...

These are beyond gorgeous. Great job! You're an inspiration.

Heather Sellers said...

I am amazing at the beautiful pictures you can get, even in the rain! Good job! Beautiful!!!

Jeana Bird said...

I love all of these shots! Your works is amazing!

Krista Lucas said...

so. beautiful.

jean smith said...

you are amazing in snow, slush, rain, sunshine, whatever. just beautiful!

Alli (One Pearl Button) said...

Wow, absolutely beautiful! I think these are the prettiest yucky-day wedding shots of seen.

A Beautiful Life said...

we should call you the postman!!! rain, sleet,'ll still deliver!! ;-) so beautiful, the photos and the couple..

{lizzythebotanist} said...

love, 'em sheena! i like your little fingers poking into the photobooth-i'm assuming they're yours, anyway.

sheena said...

thanks everyone!!

liz: nope....not my hands....just some random guys. do I really have man hands? :)

Jana said...

So pretty! And I love the couple ;)

Hope said...

I love your photos! I am sure the couple is so happy with how these turned out. They look so happy (and beautiful). The rain made the shots so dramatic!

cara lou said...

Adorable couple and such pretty photos!

Melissa said...

What do you use to cover the camera with? Did you have someone hold an umbrella over you? Great pictures.

Richelle said...

wow! these pictures are so amazing. really, really great work.

sheena said...

melissa: I did have an umbrella over me when it got really bad. But for the most part we used garbage bags--we poked holes in them and twisted and wrapped until all was looked awesome:)

kaysi van dyke fox said...

beautiful pictures!!!

SymaK. said...

Love the photos!

Tiffani said...

You are amazing!